Saturday, May 12, 2012

When Home Turned Into A Sick Bay !

For the last 2 weeks, one by one, each of my three kids have gone through their bout of cough and viral fever. First it was Clare, then as she started recovering, Clement, took the baton, if I may call it so and then as he started recovering, Baby Rez, picked it up, alsmost as if thinking why should I lag behind my older siblings in this area. And then if before she had recovered fully, yours truly picked it and today both me and Anna were down, actually she was feeling worse than me. Gosh, these two weeks have taken so much of my energy. Running hither and thither to doctor, medical tests etc, besides the usual stuff at the Mission. I think its been more that tiring and energy sapping than hectic. Home is no longer home when it turns into a sick bay, I tell you.

I have had such a lot of things to write about but now have lost taste for all of it (kinda literally). The only thing which I am glad about is that I do not have any more children (or wives) which effectively means no one else is 'due' for another round of sickness. So hopefully, I should be back to writing soon. That's it for now.

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